1. I went to the library with my daughter today. I love libraries! I've had a library card for years, as soon as I was old enough to get one. I feel a sense of exultation looking around and realizing I have access to *that* many books! I know I have access to many on the internet but ... it just ain't the same feeling.
2. I found some books I hope will be helpful for TB (and for me too). One has to do with natural medicine for back pain, including yoga. Another was about breathing methods in yoga. I am going to look for a beginning yoga class for us at the senior center, where they're offered at no cost.
3. I blogged about two books I read last year. I feel good about catching up on things I let go of for whatever reason.
4. I enjoyed listening to the girls giggling and laughing. I've written about that before and I know others feel the same way. It's nice to listen to them get along when for so many years they fought like cats and dogs!
5. My scanner is such a great tool! I've been using it so that I can record and save on CDs and DVDs pictures taken from over 50 years ago to the time I started using an electronic camera instead. This picture of my brother and me was taken when he graduated Navy boot camp in February, 1975.

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