Sunday, February 28, 2010

GiST #83

It's been several days since I posted a GiST and I really missed it. It's been days of ups and downs and this list probably will cover something from each day.

1. This morning I saw one of those specially bred Bengal-domestic cats. The animal was ginormous but so beautiful and graceful! I wondered who she belonged to as she loped down our street. I seriously doubt this specially "designed" breed has hit the stray population yet so someone is missing their very valuable cat!

2. Well, another virus infected my computer and it was down most of yesterday but I have a very talented hubby who devoted hours to getting rid of it. Thanks, TB, love you!!!!

3. Linda is having a baby girl. Of course, this would also be a grace if she found out she's carrying a boy. I think it's really cool to know so we know what the new baby will need. I always enjoyed getting pretty things for my girls when they were babies.

4. My son's car broke down on his way to work Friday--yes, while the snowstorm was going on. He has no cell phone so he had to hoof it someplace to use a phone. The police called and said they'd found his car and I surmised what had happened. Well, the darn cops called a tow truck even though the car was on the shoulder and their tow truck arrived before AAA could get there. All of that was very irritating and costly but on the bright side, the same durn cop gave my son a ride home and we didn't have to go out on slippery roads to rescue him.

5. My daughter's car is up and running so now she can pitch in and help get her brother to and from places until he can get his car fixed (hopefully tomorrow).

6. The snowstorm wasn't as bad as predicted.

7. Our Angel Foods order came and now our freezer is full until next month.

8. The epidural TB has two weeks ago has caused a really bad flare-up of his back problems. But when we saw the doctor who gave him the injection, he was supportive and sympathetic and absolutely believed that TB could have fibromyalgia. With proper treatment by a specialist, his pain could be reduced without having to keep increasing the pain meds. So now we have an appointment to see that specialist.

9. Last but most definitely not least, it's always a grace to see our Little T. Both TB and I miss our other grandchildren and it's a true blessing to spend time with each and every one of them.

10. Oh! That reminds me of one more grace: I spoke for a short time with grandson Ryan. He normally isn't a talkative young man but I enjoyed it and was amazed at how deep his voice has gotten!


MargoPego said...

Sounds wonderful, Cassie! :) I love those bengal cats - they are huge but so graceful. In many ways they're very much like dogs, but when it comes right down to it, they're cats through & through. :) This is Michelle from GiST. :)