Thursday, January 28, 2010

GiST #63

1. I learned how to add comments to my blog! I didn't realize the comments weren't enabled until another GiSTer pointed it out. Then I realized it was a customized template and I wasn't sure how to enable the comments so .... I looked it up! And it worked! I really like it when things work!

2. I decided I can forgo the frustration of Farmville on Facebook. Do I really need an application that is going to slow my computer down to a crawl? No! So I am happily turning my back on it!

3. It's nice when I can reason with/calm down my daughter. She's positive she's going to fail her final. I don't think she is; I think she just needs to walk away from her material for a while--a short break.

4. Girl Scout cookies! I'd been craving something to eat and then realized I had an unopened box of cookies!

5. Wrapping myself up in a blanket and reading my book! Good night!