1. Uploading pictures from Kristin's birthday helped me relive Sunday a little. What a wonderful day!
Kristin’s 18th birthday
2. More reliving of happier moments: I've been in touch with my cousins more frequently and have been reminiscing about good times on family vacations in Ocean City, Maryland. This picture was taken in 1977, when I was 22. That is me on the far left.

3. We have to give Cubby an oral steroid for his dermatitis for the next few days. It is virtually impossible to pill him but he loves yogurt and so we've been crushing the pill, mixing it up in a tablespoon or two of flavored yogurt and feeding it to him. He loves it.
4. I am enjoying a game called Lexulous on Facebook. It's similar to Scrabble and I've always loved that game!
5. I feel like I've gotten some things accomplished today--made a few necessary appointments, scanned loose pictures and news articles and a few other things. It feels good!
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